Monday, December 15, 2008

Greek anarchists smashed the camera film crew of "Russia"

Another Russian film crew to remove coverage of student unrest in Athens, suffered at the hands of demonstrators. Greek anarchists damaged camera film crew "Russia". The incident today reaffirmed Itar-TASS in Russian Embassy in Athens.

Journalist and operator of "Russia" tried to negotiate with the anarchists in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday of shooting at the university, but those hit in the chamber, damaged lighting and took away the tape.

The journalists themselves are not affected and neither the Greek police, neither the embassy did. "We are informed about the incident, but is likely to help journalists" Russia "does not need, none of them was injured," - told press representative for the Russian Embassy in Athens, Vasily Gavrilov.

He also reiterated occurred on the night of Wednesday the incident with reporters and TV NTVVadimom Gluskerom Eugene Kovalev. They were beaten by a gang of Greek University of intoxicated teenagers who took their video and burned it on fire. Chamber managed to get back. Vadim Glusker was injured persons, and the operator Evgeny Kovalev - a strong blow to the head.

The Embassy asked the Greek authorities to investigate the incident.

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